
In 2014, we presented the first time at the Stereoscopic Display and Applications XXV. conference in San Francisco. There, we showed a first prototype of a quite simple cell visualization and discussed problems and its future potential in a paper entitled "Stereoscopic Cell Visuzalization: from mesoscopic to molecular scale" (

Moreover, we discussed our approach of optimizing the stereoscopic effect in interactive environments, as implemented e.g. in our CellExplorer ( Now, we extended this approach to large-scale stereoscopic environments. First results will be presented in our talk: "Stereoscopic Space Map – Semi-immersive Configuration of 3D-stereoscopic Tours in Multi-display Environments".

In parallel, we submitted our stereoscopic cell animation of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cell to be shown at the 3D cinema session. This was a larger project between Prof. Dr. Olaf Kruse and Dr. Anja Doebbe (Algae Biotechnology & Bioenergy, Bielefeld University), Prof. Dr. Thoma Huser (Biomolecular Photonics Group, Bielefeld University), and the Biomedical Informatics Department. The largest part of the modeling and visualization process was done by Niklas Biere, based on the knowledge acquired in the "Interdisciplinary Cell Visualization and Modeling" lectures, projects and seminars. A first preview was shown at the CELLmicrocsmos neXt workshop (

Now, the full HD version is finished and will be shown (if accepted) at the SD&A 2016 confence, together with high quality stereoscopic videos from S3D experts from all over the world, such as Pixar. Afterwards, it will be made freely available on YouTube (of course, also in S3D).

More news you can find at:

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