Cm5 Publications

Journal Articles

Biere, Niklas; Ghaffar, Mehmood; Doebbe, Anja; Jäger, Daniel; Rothe, Nils; Friedrich, Benjamin M.; Hofestädt, Ralf; Schreiber, Falk; Kruse, Olaf; Sommer, Björn: Heuristic Modeling and 3D Stereoscopic Visualization of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Cell. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 15(2), 2018, DOI:

Sommer, Björn; Bender, Christian; Hoppe, Tobias; Gamroth, Chrstian; Jelonek, LukasStereoscopic cell visualization: from mesoscopic to molecular scale. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 23(1), 2014, DOI:

Conference Articles

Ghaffar, Mehmood; Biere, Niklas; Jäger, Daniel; Klein, Karsten; Schreiber, Falk; Kruse, Olaf; Sommer, Björn: 3D Modelling and Visualisation of Heterogeneous Cell Membranes in Blender. In Proceedings of VINCI'18, 2018, DOI:

Please also check the blender membrane scripts section!


Biere, Niklas; Doebbe, Anja; Rothe, Nils; Thomas Huser, Kruse, Olaf; Sommer, Björn: Towards a 3D Cell Model of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Workshop Abstract). In Proceedings of the CELLmicrocosmos neXt workshop, 2014.

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