Cm1.1 SS 2009

title CELLmicrocosmos 1.1 - CellExplorer
semester SS 2009
periode 22.04.2009-02.12.2009
leader Björn Sommer, Prof. Ralf Hofestädt
doc.number 392170
amount 2-6 SWS
participants Marco Civico (6 SWS)
Roland Orlik (6 SWS)
Dominik Vahrenhorst (2 SWS)
summary The aim of the project seminar CELLmicrocosmos 1.1 is to go back to the roots.



The aim of the project seminar CELLmicrocosmos 1.1 is to go back to the roots: Remembering the initial idea while doing the CELLmicrocosmos 1 project years ago using amira, we start to combine results of the Cm2 MembraneEditor, the Cm3 CellEditor and the Cm4 PathwayIntegration.

pre_Cm1_1_project__1_0 (swf)
- the introduction of the course, for navigation use the arrow-keys

pre_Cm1_1_project_short__1_0 (swf)
- the short preview of the course, for navigation use the arrow-keys