1.3 The UI Components
For a better understanding of how this program works, this chapter introduces you to its main components: The MembraneEditor is divided into 6 different components, most of them called "views"
The 6 different views (by default)
1) The Membrane View
The main worktop in the program. Displays the abstract membrane in 3D with all its components while you can look at your work from different angles. Here you can insert, remove, pick or drag your proteins in order to construct the optimum constellation for your purposes.
2) The Component View
Lists all current molecule members in the membrane, which are divided into proteins and sample lipids. Has also the ability to change the amounts for each type and particularly to set up the necessary lipid composition for the membrane.
3) The Local Database
Manages your local collection of PDB files which have been imported into the program. Here you can sort your files, categorize them into proteins or lipids and finally add them into a membrane. This view is always accessible.
4) The Properties View
It is used to show several context sensitive information regarding your current selected protein.
5) The Statistics View
Shows the atomic mass (u) ratio as well as the total quantity of all types in the membrane. Useful when trying to build a membrane from the textbook or other published data.
6) The Toolbar
Offers all major functionality of the MembraneEditor, thus all of these functions can also be accessed in the Menubar.
- Details
- Written by bjoern
- Category: Cm2help 1. Introduction
- Published: 12 September 2013
- Hits: 11167